Legal Notice

Legal Notice

Legal Notice

Identification Data

Identification Data

TOC Systems, SL is the owner and responsible for the exploitation, management, and operation of the website, with the following identification details:


TOC Systems, SL – hereinafter That Open Company




Urbanización Solà del Tarter 49, Edificio Bellesguard Bloc C, 3-1, AD100, El Tarter, Canillo, Andorra




The provider, responsible for the website, makes this document available to users to comply with the obligations provided in Directive 2002/58/EC of the European Parliament and Council of July 12, 2012, and to provide information to all users of the website regarding the conditions of access and use on the website, which is owned by That Open Company.

The purpose of the website is to provide users with information related to the activities carried out by the entity, as well as to keep them informed about news and updates in the business field.

Any person who accesses the website assumes the role of user, committing to the observance and strict compliance with the provisions outlined here, as well as any other legal provision that may be applicable. Access to the website implies acceptance of the conditions established in this legal notice.

The provider reserves the right to modify any type of information and legal texts on the website, without any obligation to provide prior notice or inform users, with the understanding that these obligations will be fulfilled by the mere publication on the provider's website. If you do not accept the access and use conditions, you must refrain from using this website and its content.

Use of the Website

Use of the Website

The use of the website is free, and its viewing does not require any prior registration or subscription.

The user agrees to use the website diligently, as well as the information related to its services and activities, as they are responsible for complying with current laws and regulations and the rules applicable to the use of the products and applications.

However, the use of the website contrary to good faith is prohibited, including but not limited to: use contrary to Andorran regulations or infringing the rights of third parties; the publication or transmission of any content that is violent, obscene, abusive, illegal, racist, xenophobic, or defamatory; altering or intervening in personal web pages or emails, or systems of other users or third parties without their authorization; cracks, serial numbers of programs, or any other content that violates third-party intellectual property rights; the collection and/or use of personal data of other users without their express consent or in violation of the Qualified Law 29/2021 on the protection of personal data; the use of the email server, domain, and email addresses for spam, email bombing, identity theft, fraud, phishing, the spread of viruses (Trojans, etc.) or any other type of activity carried out with fraudulent or criminal intent.

It is expressly prohibited to access, modify, view the configuration, structure, and files of the website's servers. Any issues that may arise in the servers and security systems of the website as a direct result of negligent action by the user will be the user's responsibility, both civil and criminal. The user will respect the technical standards established by the website in the administration and development of the products used, so that there is no abusive use that delays the servers and harms the provision of products or the rights of other users.

Additionally, the user undertakes not to use any of the content for illegal or prohibited purposes, harmful to the rights and interests of third parties, or that, in any way, may cause damage, disable, overload, deteriorate or prevent the normal use of the content by other users or any other user of the internet (hardware and software).

Security in Electronic Communications

Security in Electronic Communications

The entity applies the appropriate technical and management measures to ensure the security of communications and transactions made through the website, according to the state of technology and the type of transactions and services made available to users.

Policy on Links (Linked Websites and Linking Websites)

Policy on Links (Linked Websites and Linking Websites)

Linked Websites:

From the client's website, it is possible to redirect to third-party websites. Since the provider cannot always control the content introduced by third parties on their websites, the provider assumes no responsibility for such content.

Linking Websites:

Third parties intending to include a link to this website must comply with current legislation and may not host inappropriate, illegal, pornographic, violent, etc., content.

Intellectual and Industrial Property

Intellectual and Industrial Property

All elements appearing on the website, without limitation (photos, music, sounds, animations, software, texts, domain name, brands, information, and content collected throughout the website), as well as the structure, graphic design, and source code are the property of the entity or, where applicable, third parties who have granted the corresponding rights of use, and must be respected by the user of this website, and are therefore protected by intellectual property law. No acts of total or partial reproduction, publication, computer processing, distribution, dissemination, transformation, compilation, modification, distribution, or public communication of the website may be carried out without prior written consent from the entity.



Using the website by the user implies the express and full acceptance of the general conditions and each of the provisions included in this legal notice, in the version published at the time the user accesses the site.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

For the resolution of all disputes or issues related to this website or the activities carried out on it, Andorran law will apply, to which the parties expressly submit.

© 2024, That Open Company

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© 2024, That Open Company

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© 2024, That Open Company

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© 2024, That Open Company

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© 2024, That Open Company

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© 2024, That Open Company

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